Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

This blog has been on a hiatus for a while because my house was broken into while I was away from Kabarore. On the night of April 12-13, a thief or more probably thieves cut an iron bar that protects my bedroom window, then smashed the window and entered around 3 a.m. They took nearly everything in my bedroom (luggage, wallet with credit cards, clothes, passport, laptop, bedding and mosquito net) but left the rest of the house and my meager belongings there alone. The Rwandan Investigation Bureau donned white plastic suits and dusted my room for fingerprints. They and the Rwandan police were very professional. My friends and neighbors here in Kabarore were very helpful. Peace Corps was also supportive and got me a new computer so that I could continue to teach (all of my lesson plans, grades, student rosters and e-copies of the textbook were lost, though) but I’m haggling with them about replacing my other things. While suspects have been questioned and detained, there’s no sign of my things. I will have to get another passport. The funny thing about that was that I had just renewed it for 10 years and had it in my possession for about a week when it was stolen. Here are photos of my bedroom window after the break in and with the security upgrade.