Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Here’s today’s slice of life in Kabarore…While there is rain in the forecast for this week, the seasons have changed and it is now the long dry season. Whoever made this pile of bricks waited until the end of the rainy season. Now the sunny and dry weather can harden the bricks. While some houses and buildings are made of oven-fired bricks or cinder blocks, most houses in rural Rwanda are constructed with mud bricks like these, a perfect natural building material. I asked someone if clay is used in the bricks, and he said no, so it appears that they are just mud, dirt, water and discarded parts of plants mixed in to hold the bricks together. The purposes for these bricks are many and perhaps they will be used to build a latrine. Most rural Rwandans use latrines – a hole in the ground with a small mud brick structure built around it for privacy. Luckily, I have an indoor bathroom.