Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Surprisingly, Rwandans celebrate Mother’s Day on the same day as we do in the U.S., so I’m assuming that tomorrow is Father’s Day. I say surprisingly because these holidays are celebrated on different days in Thailand (August 12 – Queen Sirikit’s birthday and December 5 – the late King Bhumipol’s birthday), so I assumed each country would choose a suitable date for their own celebrations. Anyhoo, my sister, an ace family researcher, recently sent along this photo of my father at age 17. It might be earliest photo I’ve seen of him. He is working on a boat on the River Shannon (we guess) loading fish to be sent to England (we guess). His brother Tommy (we guess) is in the photo with him along with someone else. Happy Fathers’ Day!

1937 – John Hartigan age 17 and who else – in Limerick Docks by S. Flynn Limerick