Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

July 1 was Rwanda’s national day and July 3 was Liberation Day here, so that made for a long weekend. I hightailed it up to Uganda with my marking under my arm. (I got most of it done!) Response volunteer Penny advised me to skip Kampala, so I changed plans and went to Lake Bonyonyi, just an hour away from from Rwanda. I had some relaxing days as there weren’t many other guests at my resort, which is kind of odd because it’s high tourist season. Lake B is beautiful and dotted with little islands, one of which is Punishment Island (interesting name and more interesting story behind it). My guide Antony and I canoed around it and visited a small hospital and a school, speaking with one of the teachers there. The strangest thing was how cold it was there! This morning when I checked around 8 a.m., it was 56 degrees. The first morning I was there was even colder. Hard to imagine feeling chilly around the equator, but it was.