Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

One of the problems with having mirrored glass windows is that that birds sometimes crash into them. The other morning I heard a crash at my front door and saw this little guy sitting on the ground when I opened my door. He was flapping his wings but couldn’t fly. I assumed he knocked himself out and was going to sit in the courtyard until his circle of life closed. To my surprise, he got enough energy to land on the foundation of my house, where I took this picture. Then, to my amazement, he flew into my house! He was sitting in my sink and I didn’t know what to do as I was in a hurry to leave my house to go to Kigali, so I called my landlord over. After a few minutes, the little red bird flew right out the front door. I have no idea what kind of bird my visitor was, but it was unlike any one I’ve seen before. The interesting variety of birds are definitely one of the coolest parts of living in Rwanda.