Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

My landlord’s son, Manzi (Melvin), had missed some school lately with some sort of illness and was definitely not himself. He’s back in top form now. This morning when I returned from mass, he was there to help himself to a Nutella sandwich (he puts the spread on both slices). He also came back this evening for a second helping. I can’t say that I blame him as Rwandans eat dinner very late. He’s happier now that his mother has returned to Rwanda. She’s a police officer/peacekeeper who had been working in the Central African Republic. She did her service there through the African Union. Manzi said that he loves his mother more than chocolate sandwiches, which says a lot seeing how much he loves those sandwiches. Here’s another photo of him balancing a walking cane on his head, which shows he’s back to his usual 7-year-old antics.