Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Peace Corps life isn’t posh, but I did have one perk in my little town – the Cactus Hotel. I had a good meal there about every other day and the staff was friendly. However, it has been closed for several weeks. I’m not sure of the reason. People have said that its reopening is imminent, but the security guard there today said that it will be two months before it opens again. This is not good for someone who doesn’t cook at site. Now, I’m forced to eat cornflakes and eat peanut butter on toast to get by. There are a couple of other restaurants in town, but nothing like the Cactus. Today I went to the East End Hotel, which has a gorgeous view of the Kabarore valley and surrounding mountains, but I have to walk my bike up a steep hill to get there and the food just isn’t up to the level of the Cactus.