Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Sometimes I have to work on Sunday. Today was Parents’ Day at TTC Kabarore and about 250 parents showed up for the event. The school said that the meeting would start at 9 a.m., but I knew better, so I got there at 9:45 which was in plenty of time. We all met in the dining hall where the principal, dean of students, dean of discipline, the bursar and two representatives of the parents’ council addressed the parents. One of the things on the agenda was the new school uniform for next year, which includes a necktie for boys (not a great idea in my opinion, as the school day is too long to have to wear a tie all day). We also had beautiful singing by a student gospel choir and a mini-theater. The moral of the skit was of the evils of social media and the bad guy was carried out of the dining hall by the police. We processed out of the dining hall and then the parents had time to visit with their kids on the school lawn. I introduced myself to several parents, but was not feeling well, so I excused myself and went home a little after 2 p.m.