Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Friday, April 7 marked “Kwibuka 29” or the 29th anniversary of the start of the genocide against the Tutsi. Along with the principal of my teacher training college and three colleagues from Zimbabwe, I attended a commemoration ceremony in the village of Cyabusheshe, about 20 km from Kabarore. It was a solemn ceremony with many people in attendance and several speakers. Rwandan president Paul Kagame spoke in English via broadcast. He gave a stirring speech, talking about many nations (including the U.S.A.) turned their backs on Rwanda in their time of need. He also said that if you behave kindly to others, you will always be in the right. The Genocide against the Tutsi was a terrible event but the Rwandans do an excellent job of addressing this ugly part of history, reconciling with their neighbors and building a better country from it.