Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

I really enjoyed learning about students’ names in Thailand as it gives a great insight into the culture. Likewise, there are some wonderful names among my students here in Rwanda. The Rwandan naming protocol is unique in my experience – children are given a new last name from either their father or mother. Many students have “ishimwe” or “imana” (God) as part of their last names. In fact, I have four students in one class with the last name “Ishimwe” and none of them are related. The students’ first names have a very strong French influence. Here are some examples: Yvonne, Jean Norbert, Honore, Jean D’Amour, Claudine, and Delphine. The Bible also is a source of names and I have a Moses, Samson, Esther, Ezechiel and several students name Emmanuel. There are also some students first names that unique or strange to me, such as Somewhere, Bongo, Lovemaker, Hornella, Elissa (a boy), Allen (a girl), and Pacifique (both a female and male student have this name). There are some names which (I presume) reflect African heritage, such as Najeti, Djazila, Teta, Tidjara and Shemsa, too. Interesting!!