Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Rwanda marks the beginning of the Genocide Against the Tutsis each year in early April. Since students are on break at that time, the Rwandan government asks schools to hold a commemoration at some point in the following months. It was our turn yesterday. High school and upper primary students from around Kabarore gathered at Bahinga Government School to commemorate the genocide. It was a moving event. There were many speeches by government officials and an Anglican bishop, somber singing and dancing by the students, lighting of candles, and at the end of the ceremony, one woman, a survivor of the 1994 genocide, was given a cow. (In Rwanda, that’s a very valuable gift.) Amazingly, a rainbow appeared during the ceremony despite no rain. While it was a long week and I wasn’t excited to go to the ceremony, it was unbelievably moving and I’m glad I went.