Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Yesterday our 11th graders went to Kabarore Vision primary school to do student teaching. The lessons I observed were on parallelograms by Ben, the parts of a fish by Isaac, and a story about elephant and a hen in Ikinyarwanda by Alice. The Math and SET (Science and Elementary Technology) lessons were delivered in English. Rwanda is putting a lot of emphasis on English in their primary classrooms now as their economy becomes more tightly integrated into the East African Community. (The seven countries of the EAC are Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.) All three of my students prepared well, did a nice job in class and really looked the part teaching the fourth graders. I sat in the back of the classroom with the cooperating teacher who scored their teaching. Their classmates who weren’t teaching got to sit in on the classes, too. Here are photos of Isaac and Alice teaching: