Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Today, while giving a test at the end of the day, I noticed that it was raining lightly while the Sun was out. The Rwandans have a curious expression for this, “The hyena is getting married.” I have no idea what the origin of this is. Sandra, the Peace Corps volunteer who also lives in Gatsibo province, said the Spanish expression is, “The witch is getting married.” Interesting how two cultures so far apart settled on marriage as a way to describe rainfall as the Sun is shining. When I asked my Zimbabwean colleagues about this, they said that they don’t have a similar expression. Many of the Zimbabweans speak Dereva, which has clicking sounds and other creative uses of the mouth as part of their phonology, and my colleague Joyce taught me the word for “rainbow” (which I quickly forgot) – you couldn’t call it a tongue twister but it’s really hard to pronounce. Here is the photo of the rainbow which visited Kabarore this afternoon.