Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

Being a Peace Corps Volunteer is all about adapting to new challenges. Our courtyard is now a construction site as my landlord does I don’t know what to the little building used as a house for his chickens and site to incinerate paper trash. My neighbor along the back of the courtyard left last week and Jean Nepo swears that he doesn’t want me to move out, but I think he does. All of the wires that ran across the courtyard that were used as clotheslines have been taken down to make the work of the construction crew easier. Since I still have to do laundry (yes, by hand) just about every day, I needed to come up with a work-around. Voila! I took my squeegee and placed it between two chairs along the side of my house. That’s where my laundry can catch the early morning sun.