Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

As our school year wraps up, construction has already begun on buildings that will be in place for the opening of the next school year in September. Going, going, gone are fields of corn, beans, cabbage and peppers that dotted our campus. Right now, the staff room for teachers shares a roof with the principal’s office and secretary’s office, the dean of students and dean of discipline’s office, the library, the bursar’s office, and faculty/staff bathrooms, so growth is definitely needed. I’m not sure if they are building additional dorms. TTC Kabarore is a residential college, so even if the students are from Kabarore, they must dorm at the school. My two cents is that if they let “commuter” students (those who live within a half-hour walk of the school) go home every day instead of forcing them to stay, there would be a lot more room on campus and shorter lines in the dining hall.