Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

I’m a little late with this one…World Malaria Day is April 25. Who knew? Not me, but Peace Corps has volunteers dedicated to educating about malaria, which is still a problem in Rwanda despite everyone having a bed net. (Peace Corps gives us a bed net and provides us with our choice of malaria prophylactics – I take Malarone.) My colleague got malaria about a month ago, but he’s already back at work. One of his children got it last year. The mosquito is the world’s deadliest animal, believe it or not. I did my part on educating about malaria with my students by doing a ‘True or False’ activity about common myths about the disease. There was some lively discussion about whether mangoes can give you malaria (they can’t), whether alcohol protects you from malaria (it doesn’t), if malaria is only a problem in rainy season (it isn’t) and if you can know if you have malaria without taking a test (you can’t). Ms. Shemsa, a 10th grader is leading our class in this activity.