Tim Hartigan, Ph.D.

Language & Learning

The Year 1 and Year 2 students left very early on Friday. The Year 3’s are still at TTC Kabarore prepping for the national exams which start in a week or so. After the closing ceremony on Thursday evening (where I teared up during my speech, making this the third job I’ve cried when I left it), people just dispersed. No long goodbyes for the Rwandans. On Friday, I went to campus to say goodbye to some folks as Rwandans have a very anti-climactic way of leavetaking and I felt I wanted to spend more time with the colleagues I’ve been working with for the past 10 months. I was disappointed because very few were there. My principal, Gilbert Manishimwe, was there and he, Noella the bursar and Claire the librarian presented me with a gift. Gilbert snapped this photo of me that perfectly captured my sad-to-be-leaving mood.